Webuzo panel explained

Webuzo panel explained

What is Webuzo?

Webuzo is a single user control panel/Application Manager which bundles many server based Applications and scripts that makes it much easier to use. It is very similar to cPanel control panel and comes with a dedicated control panel and an application installer which allow you to install an application with a single click. It supports 200+ web apps and is adding more as well.  It also has Domain Management Capabilities, MySQL Management, phpMyAdmin, FTP Support, etc. We are supporting Webuzo panel with our Cloud , Dedicated, and VPS servers. If you want us to install the panel for you , please drop a  mail to support@e2enetworks.com with your server’s IP address and we will be delighted to assist you.

Webuzo installation

If you are in possession of a server (CentOS/Ubuntu) you want to install Webuzo in, follow the below steps: Step 1: Login to your server as root or as a user with root privilege and download the Webuzo package installer using the wget command
wget http://files.webuzo.com/install.sh
Step 2: Change the permissions to the installation file to make it executable
chmod 755 install.sh
Step 3: Run the webuzo installer

 Welcome to Webuzo Installer
 Installation Logs : tail -f /root/webuzo-install.log
1) Installing Libraries and Dependencies
2) Setting UP WEBUZO
3) Downloading and Installing Webuzo
4) Downloading System Apps
 Installation Completed 
Congratulations, Webuzo has been successfully installed
You can now configure Softaculous Webuzo at the following URL :
Thank you for choosing Webuzo !

Webuzo setup

If you are our B Series Cloud Customers , then you can choose the already available Webuzo Templates with CentOS. It will install Webuzo Panel automatically while configuring/creating cloud machine for you. Cloud-B Step 1: As your server is already installed with webuzo ,  you need to set it up before you can use it. Go to your Browser and open <http://Server-IP:2004> OR <https://Server-IP:2005> InitialSetup You need to specify the data according to the given instructions : User Name – enter the name of the Webuzo user. This name will be used to create the main user having rights to install all the applications. The username is set up as “soft” by default. Email Address – enter the email address for the previously created user. Password – enter the password for accessing Webuzo. Re-enter password – enter the password once again. Primary Domain – enter a registered domain, which will be used as the main one, for example, mydomain.com. In case you have not registered any domains yet, please enter the IP-address of your server. NameServer 1 – specify nameserver 1, which your domain is pointed to. For example, it may be our public nameserver ns4.e2enetworks.net.in. In case you don’t have a domain yet, you may enter any nameserver name: for example, ns1.mydomain.com. NameServer 2 – specify nameserver 2, which your domain is pointed to. For example, it may be our public nameserver ns5.e2enetworks.net.in. In case you don’t have a domain yet, you may enter any nameserver name: for example, ns2.mydomain.com. License Key – Keep the license key field blank , Webuzo will automatically assign a Free License to your server. [ht_message mstyle="info" title="" " show_icon="" id="" class="" style="" ]Please send mail on “support@e2enetworks.com” with your server IP to activate Premium Webuzo license for you.[/ht_message] Step 2: Submit the form (Click Install), it will take 2-3 min to configure the server as per shared detail . Install Step 3: Please stay on the page until you see the message that the installation has been successfully completed. Installation-completed Step 4: Webuzo has two sections : Admin Panel: To login to the Webuzo Admin Panel, visit the following URL : https://Server-IP:2005/ OR http://Server-IP:2004/ The username and password will be the same that you entered during the Initial Setup. Enduser Panel:To login to the Webuzo Enduser Panel, visit the following URL : https://Your-IP:2003/ OR http://Your-IP:2002/ The username and password will be the same that you entered during the Initial Setup. Webuzo-enduser1 If you want to try Webuzo Demo first , before installing it on server, please check the following URL : http://demo.webuzo.com/enduser/ (Enduser Interface to install Apps) http://demo.webuzo.com/ (Admin Inetrface)

Adding domains

You can add a domain, sub-domain from Webuzo by accessing Webuzo Enduser Panel > Features > Add Domain D.png Step 1: Insert the input field with the Domain you want to ADD. For e.g : testexample.com
Step 2: Click on the Add Domain button to ADD the domain.
Step 3: Click on Manage Domains to view your newly added domain
Now you can access your new domain.

Adding sub domains

Step 1:Insert the input field with the Sub-Domain you want to ADD.

For e.g : sub.example.com
Step 2: Click on the Add Domain button to ADD the sub domain.
Step 3: Click on Manage Domains to view your newly added sub domain.
ManageD.pngNow you can access your newly added sub domain.

Installing system applications using Webuzo panel

Webuzo offers a number of significant system applications which can be installed with ease on to your servers. Lets take Apache service as an example in this tutorial. Follow the below mentioned steps to install apache using webuzo: Step 1: Login to you webuzo panel. Step 2: Click on Apps from the menu bar on the top of the panel. webuzoo Step 3: The left side of the Apps panel will display the categories of Applications. Apache is a web service application.
  1. Select Webservers from the category bar on the left.
  2. Click on Apache under Webservers. (The Apache description will appear on the screen)
  3. Click on Install.
Webuzo Webuzo Apache Following these simple steps, you can install any App from the given categories in the Apps panel.

Restarting Webuzo

Whenever there is some change made to a program, restarting the respective service is a major requirement for the changes to come into effect. Restarts are also frequently performed for troubleshooting purposes. There are many services  that are provided by webuzo for your server. The easy to use GUI of webuzo panel makes management of these services very simple. Follow the below mentioned steps to restart services on webuzo: Step 1: Access the Enduser panel of webuzo. https://<IP_address>:2002 Step 2: Scroll down and navigate to the Services tab in the Advance settings section. Webuzo Powered by Softaculous Step 3: Once you enter the Services panel, the services list with their current status will appear on the screen. You can restart any desired service from the panel. Webuzo Services You can start/stop and restart the listed services and you can also check the details of Apache server status and its server info by clicking on the below given options.


There is a lot that one can do with Webuzo panel as it provides an easy window for the user to interact with the server and manipulate various functions of the server. Its main goal is to save your time so that you can concentrate more on your work and less maintaining the various applications running on your server.  
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