What is time stamp?
Time stamp (also known as unix time stamp) is merely a count of time elapsed in seconds since the Unix Epoch or Unix time of 1st Jan, 1970 (00:00:00) at UTC. It is important to note that the time stamp value is the same across the globe as it is not the dependent on time zones.
Why is time stamp important?
It is very important as it is extensively used in computer systems to sort and track dated information in both dynamic and distributed applications. It is also useful for a wide variety of synchronization purposes such as assigning sequence order for a multi-event transaction so that if a failure occurs, it can be stopped.
How do I know the current time stamp ?
You can try the website http://www.unixtimestamp.com/ or type the command date +%s in your command terminal (Linux) to get the current timestamp value.
Will this unix time stamp continue forever?
No, the current version of unix time stamp is a 32-bit code and will cease to work on January 19, 2038 due to bit overflow. Before this, all devices and applications need to migrate to 64-bit architecture to provide the time stamp with extra bits to work post the deadline.
What is the php code for getting time stamp?
Use the following code in your php file to get the current time stamp.
$date = new DateTime();
echo $date->getTimestamp();
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