How to create a new Virtual Compute Node

How to create a new Virtual Compute Node

E2E Networks Virtual Compute Nodes

This tutorial will walk you through creating and accessing your first Virtual Compute Nodes

Follow the process to create a single or multiple Virtual Compute Nodes.

STEP 1: Logging into E2E Networks 'My Account'

Once you complete the sign-up process you will be e-mailed the credentials for accessing your E2E Networks My Account Portal. Please go to My Account and log in using the credentials sent to you on your e-mail.
Username :

Password : ************
Once you are into E2E Networks 'My Account' dashboard click on the Nodes button. You will be taken to a screen to create a node. Click on the 'Create Node' button to create a new Virtual Compute node.

STEP 2: Choosing an Image

You can choose from Debian OS/ CentOS/ Ubuntu distributions or E2E Networks one-click applications which include load balancers/ cache accelerators/ web application firewall.
These are images of a different version of operating systems, like Debian or CentOS or Ubuntu, with no additional software. Make a selection from the list.
 One-click apps
These are images that include pre-configured applications like load balancers/cache accelerators/Web Application Firewall to help simplify getting started. Choose the image you'd like to use as a basis for your server.

STEP 3: Choosing a size

The next configuration section allows you to choose the E2E Networks server series and size with respect to the amount of vCPU/RAM.
Select a plan of your choice from a wide range of suitable options for various requirements. At any point in the future, you can adjust your server plan using the flexible and permanent resize options.
Plans & Pricing
For details on plans and pricing please click on the Plans and Pricing tab on the top menu bar on the dashboard Alternatively you may visit -
Control Panels
Webuzo is a single user control panel/Application Manager which bundles many server-based Applications and scripts that makes it much easier to use. It is very similar to cPanel control panel. It comes with a control panel and an application installer which allow you to install applications with a single click. It supports 200+ web apps and is adding more as well. It also has Domain Management Capabilities, MySQL Management, phpMyAdmin, FTP Support, etc.
Virtualmin is a Webmin module which allows for extensive management of (multiple) virtual private servers. You will be able to manage Apache, Nginx, PHP, DNS, MySQL, PostgreSQL, mailboxes, FTP, SSH, SSL, Subversion/Git repositories and many more.

Step 4: Additional Options

Input Node Details
Enter the following
  • A name for your node.
  • A Label for your new node or nest under a label category to cluster similar nodes together.
Enable Backups (Optional)
CDP (Continuous data protection) ensures periodic backups of your servers as per the schedule so that you always have the option to rollback your server. Backup service is a critical part of our Cloud offering. Backups are taken from your Node at periodic intervals according to the backup schedule.  The backup taken is a snapshot of the data present on the Node at that time. This allows point-in-time to restore from any of the recovery points present in the archive.
Add SSH Keys (Optional)
For additional security and to cryptographically authenticate your computer to an SSH server paste your public SSH key in the space provided. If you do not have SSH keys and want to create an SSH keypair to access your node then follow the tutorial for your computer OS.

STEP 5: Create

Click on Submit It might take a few minutes to launch the node. You will receive a notification email along with your Node login credentials. Your Virtual Compute Node is ready for use.
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