Email FAQ

Email FAQ

It is not really worthwhile to run mailboxes on your VPS or dedicated server these days. At best it works well for sending transactional emails from your web application. Please consider 3 alternatives for running mailboxes :-
  1. Yahoo! Small business India : ( 1000 email boxes with un-limited diskspace ) - Rs. 375 + taxes per month.
  2. Zoho Email : ( 5 email boxes free ).
  3. Google Apps for domain: Rs. 125 + taxes per mailbox per month in India
On the other hand, with an un-managed VPS ( ) even if we were to tune up your spam filters once every month and you will be able to run a couple of email boxes on your VPS but you'll still incur a higher cost for those services in terms of time spent in deleting spam/virus emails alone.
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